

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Real Micheal Takes On New Project "Dimtrus Lives Again"

This is Dimtrus whom I met yesterday on Alvarado. He has been homeless for over 14 years roaming around the streets of LA. He stopped and begged me to buy him a cup of coffee because he has not eaten all day. Like anybody else, I told him I've got to be somewhere and already late for my appointment. But folks, that was lie! I wanted nothing to do with Dimtrus because he was smelling so bad I was turning my head around a lot. But then a still small voice reminded me of the day Jesus cleansed me and I thought who am I to judge this man asking me for just a simple cup of coffee and better yet another soul that Jesus died for just like me. So I brought him some food and the voice said to sit down and listen to his story.
People I'm a grown man and I had no idea when I started crying after listening to this man. Dimtrus started with a beautiful wife, 4 children, a good paying job and life was good for many years until something happened and he lost everything. Now he's living on the streets of LA sleeping under bridges. I pray that your story will never change from Good to BAD!
So I promised Dimtrus I will try my best to get him back on his feet. So today I'm heading back to meet him to start "Project Dimtrus Lives Again". I've arranged for him to take a good shower, and I'm buying him some clothes from Target this afternoon. I also plan on meeting his family (Daughter) next week to see how we can get him back into a productive live again.
Folks, that's all it takes! We don't have to wait till we make millions before changing lives. Honestly I'm telling you the truth, I don't have much this month until I book my next gig or contract next month. But from the little I have on me, I took from the ATM machine to buy him food and who knows if I've just entertained and angel according to the bible; "Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it." Hebrews 13:2. In the little you have you can still give!
There are many Dimtrus around you today, don't wait till they come to you. They are crying on the inside waiting to see if you will listen to your inner voice to help them. He only asked for a cup of coffee, but but he's about to get a new life. Doing this is far greater and better than winning my 5 U.S. Dance Championships or gracing another red carpet with some stars with millions of dollars yet they do nothing with it but just accumulating more and more.
As it is written in the bible, "It is certain we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we will carry nothing out" (I Timothy 6,7). Not even the money we are running after save the souls we bring to Christ
Please lets not be so busy in life we forget the simple things that brings us joy. Join me in helping and bringing Dimtrus back to life again as I will be starting a gofundme page for Dimtrus to help put him back into a new home, job, new clothes, food and a nice transportation to moving around and rehab. God bless and thank you for reading..
I'm Real Michael - Please share

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